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DfsSolver.hpp File Reference

#include <boost/scoped_ptr.hpp>
#include "Hex.hpp"
#include "HexBoard.hpp"
#include "VC.hpp"
#include "TransTable.hpp"
#include "DfsData.hpp"
#include "SolverDB.hpp"
#include "StateDB.hpp"
#include "HexEval.hpp"

Go to the source code of this file.


class  DfsDB
 Database for use in DfsSolver. More...
struct  DfsBranchStatistics
 Stats for a branch of the search tree. More...
struct  DfsHistogram
 Stats for the entire search tree broken down by level. More...
struct  DfsSolutionSet
 Contains all relevant data for a solution to a state. More...
class  DfsSolver
 Determines the winner of a gamestate. More...
struct  DfsSolver::GlobalStatistics
 Globabl statistics for the current solver run. More...


namespace  DfsMoveOrderFlags
namespace  DfsSolverUtil

Methods in DfsSolver that do not need DfsSolver's private data.


typedef SolverDB< DfsHashTable,
DfsDB, DfsData
 Solver database combining both of the above.


int DfsSolverUtil::DistanceFromCenter (const ConstBoard &brd, HexPoint p)
 Computes distance from the center of the board.


typedef TransTable< DfsData
 Transposition table for use in DfsSolver.
static const int DfsMoveOrderFlags::WITH_MUSTPLAY = 1
 Each move is played and the size of the resulting mustplay is stored.
static const int DfsMoveOrderFlags::WITH_RESIST = 2
 Resistance score is used to break ties instead of distance from the center of the board.
static const int DfsMoveOrderFlags::FROM_CENTER = 4
 Moves near center of board get higher priority than moves near the edge of the board.

Detailed Description

Definition in file DfsSolver.hpp.

Typedef Documentation

Solver database combining both of the above.

Definition at line 39 of file DfsSolver.hpp.

Variable Documentation

_BEGIN_BENZENE_NAMESPACE_ typedef TransTable<DfsData> DfsHashTable

Transposition table for use in DfsSolver.

Definition at line 25 of file DfsSolver.hpp.

Referenced by DfsCommands::CmdParamSolver().

6 Jan 2011 Doxygen 1.6.3