_Base_bitset< _Nw > | Base class, general case |
_Base_bitset< 0 > | Base class, specialization for no storage (zero-length bitset) |
_Base_bitset< 1 > | Base class, specialization for a single word |
_Sanitize< _Extrabits > | |
_Sanitize< 0 > | |
AdjacencyGraph | Adjacency between each pair of cells |
HexUctState::AssertionHandler | Assertion handler to dump the state of a HexUctState |
benzene_bitset< _Nb > | The bitset class represents a fixed-size sequence of bits |
BenzeneException | Base class for exceptions |
BenzeneHtpEngine | HTP engine with commands for stuff common to all UofA Hex players |
BenzenePlayer | Abstract base class for all players using the Benzene systems |
BenzeneTestEngine | Htp engine for Wolve |
BitsetIterator | Iterates over the set bits in a bitset |
BoardIterator | Iterates on an array of HexPoints |
Book | A book is just a database of BookNodes |
BookBuilder< PLAYER > | Expands a Book using the given player to evaluate game positions |
BookBuilderCommands< PLAYER > | Commands for building opening books |
BookCheck | Returns best move from book |
BookCommands | Commands for inspecting opening books |
BWIterator | Iterator over BLACK and WHITE |
CacheBook | Uses previously-generated opening moves that have been recorded to prevent re-computing them |
ChangeLog< T > | General purpose changelog; allows incremental changes made to a datastructure to be undone quickly |
ColorIterator | Iterator over BLACK and WHITE and EMPTY |
ConductanceValues | Conductance between different types of groups |
ConstBoard | ConstBoard contains data and methods for dealing with the constant aspects of a Hex board |
HashSet::Data | |
HashMap< T >::Data | |
DfpnBounds | Bounds used in Dfpn search |
DfpnChildren | Children of a dfpn state |
DfpnCommands | Commands for building/inspecting virtual connections |
DfpnData | State in hashtable |
DfpnDB | Database of solved positions |
DfpnHistory | History of moves played from root state to current state |
DfpnListener | Interface for listeners of DfpnSolver |
DfpnSolver | Hex solver using DFPN search |
DfsBranchStatistics | Stats for a branch of the search tree |
DfsCommands | Commands for building/inspecting virtual connections |
DfsData | A solved state |
DfsDB | Database for use in DfsSolver |
DfsHistogram | Stats for the entire search tree broken down by level |
DfsSolutionSet | Contains all relevant data for a solution to a state |
DfsSolver | Determines the winner of a gamestate |
Digraph< T > | Generic directed graph |
Game | A Game of Hex |
VCPattern::GlobalData | |
ZobristHash::GlobalData | Data shared amoungst all instances of ZobristHash |
RingGodel::GlobalData | |
DfsSolver::GlobalStatistics | Globabl statistics for the current solver run |
Group | A group on the board |
GroupBuilder | Builds Groups from a StoneBoard |
GroupIterator | Iterates over an instance of Groups |
Groups | Collection of groups |
DfpnSolver::GuiFx | Handles guifx output |
HandCodedPattern | Special patterns that are too big to check with a PatternBoard (to do so would mean increasing Pattern::MAX_EXTENSION, thus slowing down PatternBoard::update()) |
HandicapPlayer | Player using Handicap to generate moves |
HasBestMoveConcept< T > | Contains a bestmove |
HasFlagsConcept< T > | Contains a flag |
HashDB< T > | Front end for a Berkely DB hash table |
HashDBStateConcept< T > | Concept of a state in a HashDB |
HashedPatternSet | Hashes patterns by ring godel; use for fast checking |
HashMap< T > | Lock-free HashMap with 2^n slots |
HashMapStateConcept< T > | Concept of a state in a hash table |
HashSet | HashSet with 2^n slots |
HasMirrorConcept< T > | Object can be mirrored |
HashDB< T >::Header | |
HexAbSearch | Base Alpha-Beta search class |
HexBoard | Board that updates groups, pattern states, and vcs |
HexBookNode | Class for writing SgBookNodes to the database |
HexEnvironment | Groups a HexBoard, ICEngine, and VCBuilderParam objects, which correspond to a set of parameters that can be changed |
HexEnvironmentCommands | HTP Commands for an environment |
HexHtpEngine | Basic htp commands any Hex engine is required to support |
HexModState | Make a const board temporarily modifiable |
HexMoveValue | (HexPoint, value) pairs; use for move ordering |
HexPlayer | Abstract base class for all players |
HexProgram | Program for playing Hex |
HexState | Board position paired with a color to play |
HexStateAssertRestored | Assert that the state has been restored to previous state |
HexThreadStateFactory | Creates threads |
HexUctKnowledge | Applies knowledge to set of moves |
HexUctPolicy | Generates moves during the random playout phase of UCT search |
HexUctPolicyConfig | Configuration options for policies |
HexUctPolicyStatistics | Statistics over all threads |
HexUctSearch | Monte-Carlo search using UCT for Hex |
HexUctSearchPolicy | Interface for policies controlling move generation in the random play-out phase of HexUctSearch |
HexUctSharedData | Data shared among all threads |
HexUctSharedPolicy | Policy information shared amoung all threads |
HexUctState | Thread state for HexUctSearch |
HexUctStoneData | Black and white stones |
HexBoard::History | Stores state of the board |
ICEngine | Inferior Cell Engine |
IcePatternSet | Collection of Patterns and HashedPatterns for use in ICE |
InferiorCells | Set of inferior cells |
LinkedList< T > | Lock-free linked list |
ListIterator< T > | Iterates over an instance of LinkedList |
ListNode< T > | A node occuring in an instance of LinkedList |
Logger | Logger supporting message levels and multiple output streams received from multiple threads |
Mat< T > | Matrix of primitive numeric values |
MoHexEngine | Htp engine for MoHex |
MoHexPlayer | Player using UCT to generate moves |
Move | A (HexColor, HexPoint) pair |
VCBuilder::OrRule | |
PackableConcept< T > | Class supports Pack(), Unpack(), and PackedSize() |
Pattern | Patterns on a Hex board |
PatternHit | Instance of a pattern matching a subset of the board |
PatternMatcherData | Data used for pattern matching |
PatternRingGodel | Standard RingGodel with an added mask to use when checking if two RingGodels match |
PatternState | Tracks pattern state info on a board |
PerfectPlayer | Player using Solver to generate moves |
PlayAndSolve | Runs a player's genmove() and dfpn search in parallel |
PlayAndSolve::PlayerThread | |
Pool< T > | Pool of pre-allocated memory |
benzene_bitset< _Nb >::reference | This encapsulates the concept of a single bit |
Resistance | Board evaluation based on circuit flow |
RingGodel | Base Ring godel class |
RotatableConcept< T > | Class is rotatable by calling Rotate() |
RotatedPattern | A (pattern, angle) pair |
SafeBool< T > | Implements the Save Bool Idiom |
ListNode< T >::ScopedLock | |
SearchedState | State that has been search with Alpha-Beta |
SgBookBuilder | |
SolverDataFlags | |
SolverDB< HASH, DB, DATA > | Combines a hash table and a position database |
SolverDBParameters | |
PlayAndSolve::SolverThread | |
SortedSequence | |
StateDB< T > | Database of hex positions handling rotations |
StateDBStateConcept< T > | Concept of a state in a HashDB |
StateMap< T > | Map of positions; handles rotations |
StateSet | Set of positions; handles rotations |
TransTable< T >::Statistics | |
StateDB< T >::Statistics | |
PatternState::Statistics | Pattern checking statistics |
HexAbSearch::Statistics | Search statistics |
StoneBoard | Tracks played stone information |
Logger::ThreadBuffer | Buffer for a thread of execution |
TransTable< T > | Transposition table |
TransTableStateConcept< T > | Concept of a state in a transposition table |
TwoDistance | TwoDistance Evaluation Function |
UnionFind< S > | General union/find implementation |
RingGodel::ValidGodelData | |
VariationInfo | Varaition TT entry |
VC | Virtual Connection |
VCBuilder | Builds the Virtual Connections (VCs) between groups of stones a single color |
VCBuilderParam | Settings for VCBuilder |
VCBuilderStatistics | Statistics for the last call to Build() |
VCCommands | Commands for building/inspecting virtual connections |
VCList | Sorted list of VCs |
VCMiaiList | |
VCPattern | Precomputed pattern specifying a virtual connection/ladder |
VCSet | Stores the connections for a board and color |
VCSetStatistics | Info on the set of connections |
Vec< T > | Vector of primitive numeric values |
VulnerableKiller | |
VulPreCheck | Checks book before search |
WolveEngine | Htp engine for Wolve |
WolvePlayer | Player using HexAbSearch to generate moves |
WolveSearch | Performs an AlphaBeta search using Resistance for evaluations |
BookBuilder< PLAYER >::Worker | Copyable worker |
VCBuilder::WorkQueue | Queue of endpoint pairs that need processing |
ZobristHash | Zobrist Hashing |