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00001 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00002 /** @file HexUctUtil.cpp
00003 */
00004 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00006 #include "SgSystem.h"
00007 #include "Hex.hpp"
00008 #include "HexUctUtil.hpp"
00010 #include <iomanip>
00011 #include <iostream>
00012 #include "SgBWSet.h"
00013 #include "SgPointSet.h"
00014 #include "SgProp.h"
00015 #include "SgUctSearch.h"
00017 using namespace benzene;
00019 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00021 void GoGuiGfxStatus(const SgUctSearch& search, std::ostream& out)
00022 {
00023     const SgUctTree& tree = search.Tree();
00024     const SgUctNode& root = tree.Root();
00025     const SgUctSearchStat& stat = search.Statistics();
00026     int abortPercent = static_cast<int>(stat.m_aborted.Mean() * 100);
00027     out << "TEXT N=" << static_cast<size_t>(root.MoveCount())
00028         << " V=" << std::setprecision(2) << root.Mean()
00029         << " Len=" << static_cast<int>(stat.m_gameLength.Mean())
00030         << " Tree=" << std::setprecision(1) << stat.m_movesInTree.Mean()
00031         << "/" << static_cast<int>(stat.m_movesInTree.Max())
00032         << " Abrt=" << abortPercent << '%'
00033         << " Gm/s=" << static_cast<int>(stat.m_gamesPerSecond) << '\n';
00034 }
00036 void HexUctUtil::GoGuiGfx(const SgUctSearch& search, SgBlackWhite toPlay,
00037                           std::ostream& out)
00038 {
00039     const SgUctTree& tree = search.Tree();
00040     const SgUctNode& root = tree.Root();
00041     out << "VAR";
00042     std::vector<const SgUctNode*> bestValueChild;
00043     bestValueChild.push_back(search.FindBestChild(root));
00044     for (int i=0; i<4; i++) {
00045     if (bestValueChild[i] == 0) break;
00046     SgPoint move = bestValueChild[i]->Move();
00047     if (0 == (i % 2))
00048         out << ' ' << (toPlay == SG_BLACK ? 'B' : 'W') << ' '
00049         << HexUctUtil::MoveString(move);
00050     else
00051         out << ' ' << (toPlay == SG_WHITE ? 'B' : 'W') << ' '
00052         << HexUctUtil::MoveString(move);
00053     bestValueChild.push_back(search.FindBestChild(*(bestValueChild[i])));
00054     }
00055     out << "\n";
00056     out << "INFLUENCE";
00057     for (SgUctChildIterator it(tree, root); it; ++it)
00058     {
00059         const SgUctNode& child = *it;
00060         if (child.MoveCount() == 0)
00061             continue;
00062         float influence = search.InverseEval(child.Mean());
00063         SgPoint move = child.Move();
00064         out << ' ' << HexUctUtil::MoveString(move) << ' ' 
00065             << std::fixed << std::setprecision(2) << influence;
00066     }
00067     out << '\n'
00068         << "LABEL";
00069     int numChildren = 0;
00070     for (SgUctChildIterator it(tree, root); it; ++it)
00071     {
00072         const SgUctNode& child = *it;
00073         size_t count = static_cast<size_t>(child.MoveCount());
00074     numChildren++;
00075     out << ' ' << HexUctUtil::MoveString(child.Move())
00076         << ' ' << count;
00077     }
00078     out << '\n';
00079     GoGuiGfxStatus(search, out);
00080 }
00082 int HexUctUtil::ComputeMaxNumMoves()
00083 {
00084     return FIRST_INVALID;
00085 }
00087 std::string HexUctUtil::MoveString(SgMove sgmove)
00088 {
00089     HexPoint move = static_cast<HexPoint>(sgmove);
00091     // Simple process if just HexPoint
00092     HexAssert(0 <= move && move < FIRST_INVALID);
00093     return HexPointUtil::ToString(move);
00094 }
00096 SgBlackWhite HexUctUtil::ToSgBlackWhite(HexColor c)
00097 {
00098     if (c == BLACK)
00099     return SG_BLACK;
00100     HexAssert(c == WHITE);
00101     return SG_WHITE;
00102 }
00104 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00106 namespace 
00107 {
00109 void SaveNode(std::ostream& out, const SgUctTree& tree, const SgUctNode& node, 
00110               HexColor toPlay, int maxDepth, int depth)
00111 {
00112     out << "C[MoveCount " << node.MoveCount()
00113         << "\nPosCount " << node.PosCount()
00114         << "\nMean " << std::fixed << std::setprecision(2) << node.Mean();
00115     if (!node.HasChildren())
00116     {
00117         out << "]\n";
00118         return;
00119     }
00120     out << "\n\nRave:";
00121     for (SgUctChildIterator it(tree, node); it; ++it)
00122     {
00123         const SgUctNode& child = *it;
00124         HexPoint move = static_cast<HexPoint>(child.Move());
00125         if (child.HasRaveValue())
00126         {
00127             out << '\n' << HexUctUtil::MoveString(move) << ' '
00128                 << std::fixed << std::setprecision(2) << child.RaveValue()
00129                 << " (" << child.RaveCount() << ')';
00130         }
00131     }
00132     out << "]\nLB";
00133     for (SgUctChildIterator it(tree, node); it; ++it)
00134     {
00135         const SgUctNode& child = *it;
00136         if (! child.HasMean())
00137             continue;
00138         HexPoint move = static_cast<HexPoint>(child.Move());
00139         out << "[" << HexUctUtil::MoveString(move) << ':' 
00140             << child.MoveCount() << '@' << child.Mean() << ']';
00141     }
00142     out << '\n';
00143     if (maxDepth >= 0 && depth >= maxDepth)
00144         return;
00145     for (SgUctChildIterator it(tree, node); it; ++it)
00146     {
00147         const SgUctNode& child = *it;
00148         if (! child.HasMean())
00149             continue;
00150         HexPoint move = static_cast<HexPoint>(child.Move());
00151         out << "(;" << (toPlay == BLACK ? 'B' : 'W') 
00152             << '[' << HexUctUtil::MoveString(move) << ']';
00153         SaveNode(out, tree, child, !toPlay, maxDepth, depth + 1);
00154         out << ")\n";
00155     }
00156 }
00158 }
00160 void HexUctUtil::SaveTree(const SgUctTree& tree, const StoneBoard& brd, 
00161                      HexColor toPlay, std::ostream& out, int maxDepth)
00162 {
00163     out << "(;FF[4]GM[11]SZ[" << brd.Width() << "]\n";
00164     out << ";AB";
00165     for (BoardIterator it(brd.Stones(BLACK)); it; ++it)
00166         out << '[' << *it << ']';
00167     out << '\n';
00168     out << "AW";
00169     for (BoardIterator it(brd.Stones(WHITE)); it; ++it)
00170         out << '[' << *it << ']';
00171     out << '\n';
00172     out << "AE";
00173     for (BoardIterator it(brd.Stones(EMPTY)); it; ++it)
00174         out << '[' << *it << ']';
00175     out << '\n';
00176     out << "PL[" << (toPlay == SG_BLACK ? "B" : "W") << "]\n";
00177     SaveNode(out, tree, tree.Root(), toPlay, maxDepth, 0);
00178     out << ")\n";
00179 }
00181 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------

6 Jan 2011 Doxygen 1.6.3